“Easy is Earned” Splits Class for legs, hips, and abs

“Easy is Earned” Splits Class for legs, hips, and abs
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This is the type of practice you do once and then you want to repeat next day on a roll. And I said this because I did it yesternight (last night) and today will be again. Talking from experience.
Also, this practice is one of the ones that let you go back to share thoughts. This motivates me again to write about my experience with the practices on your video. Sometimes I decide to keep silence, but, why not sometimes share thought and experiences? Thanks to you and this specific practice for moving me to type down.
EKA PADA KOUNDIYASANA, is this the name of the asana? I needed to search hehe. And so, I love this practice, it was 1hr very well distributed and demanding-challenging. I got joy and effort. I have already the split and first time I practice the EPK, I feel I could go deeper in my stretch. And so, for me that I have already the split, what would you recommend to practice to open-stretch even more-deeper the lateral and horizontal legs stretching? Would you like to do a video-practice for legs for stretching 2 times deeper. I guess we will need help of some tools? I loved pushing floor with legs.Last part, regarding the eyes movement and close, I want to confirm, so: I look front, then quickly to the left, close eyes and then open eyes looking to the front. Is it like this? Or it doesn't matter which direction we look in each leg-forwards? so, right leg front, eyes left; left leg front, eyes right? And, do we activate vestibular functions?
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Beautiful feeling of lightness and length at the end of the lesson, thank you adell 😍 You have a way of teaching that makes you play with curiosity and feel safe.