Skill Factories

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Core Compression and Shoulders

Get ready to work on the mobility, strength, and coordination needed to get on your hands using as little momentum as possible.

Core Compression and Shoulders
Glutes, Hamstrings, Ankles, and Toes

This has shown up in flows here for years, so it's time it gets its own skill factory! Turn your glutes into buns of steel, your toes and ankles into pillars of stability, and give your yoga practice a fiery new toe stand variation!

Glutes, Hamstrings, Ankles, and Toes
Hips, Shoulders, and Balance

This posture requires hip mobility, shoulder mobility, and balance so of course that’s what will show up in the flows here!

Hips, Shoulders, and Balance
Wrists, Spine, and Posterior Chain

Not gonna lie, this ain't a feel-good pose! But what DOES feel mighty fine is the posterior chain strengthening (think low back and glutes feeling STRONG!), the spinal waving action, and the wrist mobilising work that goes into making this pose work!

Wrists, Spine, and Posterior Chain
Elbows, Shoulders, and Core

This inversion is a lot of fun and a great way to build shoulder, elbow, and core strength, awareness, and mobility.

Elbows, Shoulders, and Core
Hips, Abs, and Arms

Combining pigeon pose with an arm balance -- is it torture? Is it the best feeling ever? That will depend on your physical sensations and how you choose to interpret them.

These flows are designed to make those physical sensations as feel-good as possible though!

Hips, Abs, and Arms
Obliques, Spine, Hips

A good ol' traditional yoga pose, but so many fun opportunities for playing with its variations and exploring flexibility, balance, and strength! This pose always sparks a little bit of debate when it comes to its alignment, and we’re going to stay open to many different ways of moving into, being in, and moving out of triangle pose. (Yes we're breaking rules!) 

Obliques, Spine, Hips
Posterior Chain & Shoulders

Get ready to fire up your posterior chain!

These flows are designed to open up your front body--especially the hips and shoulders--and mobilise the spine, as well as strengthening the entire chain of muscles along the back of the body. 

Posterior Chain & Shoulders
Balance and Twists

Get ready to twist and balance! These flows are designed to work your obliques and mobilise your thoracic spine to twist you into the standing balance that is revolved half moon. There is also loads of opportunity to work your hip and ankle mobility to aide this tricky balance!

Balance and Twists
Legs & Hips

Work on your hanumanasana -- splits! -- and take your splits flying as we also flirt with EPK2 (flying splits) in this skill factory that will open your hamstrings and hip flexors for deeper, more comfortable splits. These flows also will strengthen your feet and toes and work into your hips to target all the many areas involved with splits. Get ready for a little bit of arm strength too to play with EPK2 variations.

Legs & Hips
Spine, Shoulders, and Hips

This series of flows are specially created to help you open up your shoulders and spine, but also build strength in the legs and arms, and confidence to move towards -- or maybe into -- wheel pose.

We’ll also have some opportunities to flirt with that backwards movement to help you feel more confident with the direction of movement required for dropping back -- something you’re welcome to try or never consider trying!

Spine, Shoulders, and Hips
Shoulders & Core

Floating as if gravity doesn't exist as you jump from downward dog to standing forward fold is an excellent way to build confidence, strength, and control. It takes shoulder strength and core compression strength, as well as a bit of trust in yourself!

This flows of this skill factory combine fun transitions to build your stability, tricky balances to help you celebrate all the ways to fall, and loads of drills to clean up your movement habits in your fingers, wrists, shoulders, abs, and legs as we practice with the theme of Saucha (cleanliness).

Shoulders & Core
Inner Thighs, Outer Hips, Balance

This skill is one that's perfectly suited to our theme of Aparigraha -- non-attachment -- because it just may not happen! (It's T-O-U-G-H!) I for one still need to stand on a block to get a full dragon squat!

But wow it sure is a fun movement to work towards! You will feel your inner thighs gaining strength and your outer hips will get better at doing their job of balancing you in this compressed squat form. You'll also get lots of juicy twists and an opportunity to work on your balance in new ways!

Inner Thighs, Outer Hips, Balance
Hips, Spine, and Shoulders

Flow through some of the many poses that are lunges with backbends to open the hips & shoulders; mobilise the spine and find your strength in various backbending shapes.

Hips, Spine, and Shoulders
Arms, Shoulders, and Core

As the foundation to other bent-arm arm balances, crow pose is such a great arm balance to play with!

And playing with all the little parts that go into this posture means we'll work on bent-arm strength, core stability,
wrist mobility, and confidence in your crow and its cousins through usual fun flows including your favourite "brain hacks"!

Arms, Shoulders, and Core
Abs, Shoulders, and Spine

A series of flows for core strength with spine & shoulder mobility with fun inversions!

In this skill factory, we'll work with forward folding mobility and abdominal strength to work on hoisting the hips upwards to shoulder stand. We'll also bring lots of awareness to our shoulders and spine as part of this playtime in the shoulder stand inversions and its many (fun) variations!

Abs, Shoulders, and Spine
Hamstrings, Side Body, and Shoulders

A series of flows for leg mobility, side body opening, and shoulder mapping! In this skill factory, we work on the legs and hips (obviously) but also side-bending and shoulder mobility to be able to reach up, around, across for the leg -- wherever it may be depending on your mobility today! We'll play with variations of compass pose -- seated, reclined, inverted, and standing as we let compassion be our inner compass in this mindful movement practice.

Hamstrings, Side Body, and Shoulders
Lower Body and Core

This is a movement that makes is so strengthening and empowered. Even a little sissy squat can make you feel like you defy gravity.

It creates nimble yet strong hips, legs, and ankles and it can open up new ways of moving with ease.

The sissy squat is such a great way to balance out a lot of the forward folding we do in yoga. Get ready to build strength in your quads in a range of motion that few other yoga poses allow for. It’s also AMAZING for building ankle and toe mobility — which is, trust me, something you DON’T want to neglect.

And the best part about sissy squat is that there are sooo many ways to play with it, adding twists, doing it with staggered legs, just flirting or going all the way down.

Lower Body and Core
Hips, Twists, and Arms

With our intention on rhythms, it makes sense to be serenaded by the chirping of the grasshopper as we slow down and soften into the hips and breathe into our twists, and activate and strengthen through the arms and core to take the arm balance.

Grasshopper is such a perfect posture to work with for a whole month because of these different elements we can combine as we explore the rhythms of our bodies.

Hips, Twists, and Arms
Hips, Spine, and Ankles

Besides the legs and hips mobility (which is a heavy focus this month), standing split is massively about the good old gluteus maximus to bring the top leg higher. So, your booty might just get a little perkier this month ;-)

But there's also a nice bit of ankle work, since the ankles hold one of the keys to hip and leg mobility, (even though most people sadly don't know about this! Spread the word!)

Hips, Spine, and Ankles
Spine, Arms, and Wrists

Requests for chin stand and similar backbends have been flowing in! Let's do this!

Chinstands may seem scary, but the weight of the body rests primarily in the arms. That's why in this skill factory, you'll work on your backbend as well as your arm and wrist strength through chinstand's sister shapes: upwards facing dog, ashtangasana, and cobra pose!

We'll build the confidence to move towards chinstand with the reminder that our beliefs are questionable and our bodies are resilient, honing the skill of listening more to the body and less to the mind.

Spine, Arms, and Wrists
Neck and Shoulders

Headstands are a great way to get comfortable with being inverted, they make for a super fun transition in and out of arm balances (which we’ll do plenty of) but what I’ve particularly focused on with the flows this month is NECK STRENGTH.

The cervical spine is such a hugely important area for our nervous system because it supports the head, which obviously holds your brain. So get ready to get upside-down and feel GOOD doing it!

Neck and Shoulders
Core and Hip Flexors

This core and hip flexor (and shoulders and wrists) blasting pose requires strength of body and mind. But it's not all about strength -- there's technique involved and we'll focus on those micro-movements that can get you closer to lift-off.

Furthermore, through all the daily flows, we'll appreciate that L-sit can come in many different forms (no pose is black or white, L-sit incluced!) and we'll harmonise our body, mind, and breath in concordance with the many variations.

Core and Hip Flexors
Thoracic Spine and Shoulders

This version of a wheel pose is where you sit your butt down into an imaginary seat, thus bringing hip flexion into this posture. It will really open up your chest and shoulders, and it requires a good deal of awareness of the pelvis and how you’re tilting it.

Thoracic Spine and Shoulders
Hips and Legs

Inner thighs, here we come! This is a very hip-focused skill factory, with the whole lower body getting attention as we work on pancakes, straddles, and middle splits.

Get ready for lots of hip circles, brain-based drills to facilitate splitting your legs wide open, and some delicious counterposes too!

Your upper body will get its fair share of work as well, especially since I've sprinkled in some work for elephant pose too, as a tribute to Ganesha, the Remover of Obstacles, in line with our theme of Freedom!

Hips and Legs
Twists, Hips, and Arms

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Twists, Hips, and Arms
Obliques and Inner Thighs

Cartwheels! This is such a playful movement but also full of opportunities to learn some new things about ourselves, and work in particular on our side bends and inner thigh mobility. Yum!

These classes are, like always, all about FEELING GOOD. A good stretch, a good challenge, a good burn, a good rest.

Obliques and Inner Thighs
Hips and Back

Let's dance for joy. Ugh, so cheesy, I know. But let's be honest, it feels good when we evoke the proverbial dancer who dances like nobody's watching. Who moves with ease and fluidity by letting the energy within course through each movement.

This set of classes focuses on the necessary backbend through glutes, hamstrings, and back muscles work, as well as the balance aspect with some nice foot and ankle work. Of course, your shoulders won't be neglected either as we work to mobilise them to comfortably grip our dancer in many variations!

Hips and Back
Spine and Full Body

Connect deeper to your movement by working on the intricate spinal wave movement! "Spinal Waves" really just means being able to bring fluidity to movements through the spine!

Think of moving like water through flexion and extension (folding forwards and backbending) as well as lateral flexion/extension (sideways bending). When we mobilise especially the thoracic spine, where the spine connects to the ribs, we can unlock juicy, feel-good mobility in other areas of the body that can sometimes be problematic such as the shoulders, hips, and even jaw!

Spine and Full Body
Shoulders and Abs

Pincha Mayurasana (forearm stand) is an inversion that some view as a step towards handstand, but many find more challenging than a handstand. This is mostly because it requires such a lot of external rotation and flexion of the shoulders -- hard enough as it is, but when you take it upside-down and add body weight, you've got yourself a challenge, and we're going to have fun with that challenge in these flows!

Shoulders and Abs
Core Compression and Inner Thighs

Toe taps (sometimes called wrist taps) are movements that require strength, flexibility, and some trust in yourself, so of course they're perfect to spend a month working towards. Key word: TOWARDS. Like all the Skills Factories here, it's not about achieving the posture or movement, and entirely about getting the physical and mental benefits of showing up on that journey.

Core Compression and Inner Thighs
 Ustrasana Transitions for Legs, Hips, & Upper Back

What are Cameleons? We're being chameleons and transitioning through different camel variations! This skill factory will bring you through postures which -- unsurprisingly -- will open your shoulders, chest, and hips for backbending postures, but -- perhaps unexpectedly -- work on the strength of your quads and hamstrings. That's because one of the transitions we're particularly working towards is standing up to wheel pose from camel, and that means quads, quads, quads! Specifically, the strength of your quads in their elongated form (beyond the 90º knee bend!) This is an area worth working on, as it can greatly reduce knee pain that a lot of yogis struggle with!

Ustrasana Transitions for Legs, Hips, & Upper Back
Stability and Gaze

This skill factory is for handstands and in particular, building stability (and in-particular-er, through the gaze). That's because no matter where you are in your handstand journey, one thing you ALWAYS need is stability.

Stability and Gaze
Ankle, Foot, and Hip focused

Think of pistol squat as the general direction we're moving in -- not necessarily the end goal! It's a toughie, but by training for pistol squat we can really get some GREAT ankle mobility, toe strength, and hip mobility work.

Ankle, Foot, and Hip focused
Pelvis awareness, Ankles, and Shoulders

Downward facing dog is a powerful and versatile pose, and its ubiquity means it has almost become overlooked as "basic".

This Skill Factory explores lots of variations and presents the opportunity to play with ways to get the most out of this pose in the flows, as well as a Downdog Workshop that gets into the lovely little anatomical explanations of where and why this posture can cause difficulty.

Pelvis awareness, Ankles, and Shoulders
Spine, Glutes, and Shoulders

Chakrasana is a pose that many people have a love/hate relationship with. I want you to simply LOVE it. And the number one way to get there is to do it YOUR WAY. It's not about how it looks, it's how how it feels!

Spine, Glutes, and Shoulders
Shoulders, Hips, and Spine

King pigeon pose is a complex pose. It requires mobility of the hips, spine, and shoulders. Don't "pigeonhole" yourself though! You can enjoy the yummy hip stretch, the glutes and hamstrings strength, the shoulder opening, and the glorious backbending!

Shoulders, Hips, and Spine
Honing the Important Fundamentals

Great for beginners, but hey -- don't rush off just yet seasoned practitioner! These aren't flows you'll get bored with! Whether you're at the beginning of your yoga journey or you've been practicing for years, these classes will help you build -- and strengthen -- your foundation for a safe yet exploratory practice!

Divided by body focus: spine, hips, knees, and shoulders, plus a workshop on four more topics that ANY movement lover will benefit from knowing about!

Honing the Important Fundamentals
Kicking and Stabilizing Focused Flows

Classes, flows, and workshops to help you feel more stable and secure in handstands. We're just working on skills such as kicking up, holding our weight in our hands, and falling confidently, all nestled into fun, short sequences. The idea isn't to learn how to handstand in a month. It's to let the daily practice start to rewire your movement patterns so that handstanding will be easier -- no matter what your level!

Kicking and Stabilizing Focused Flows
Hip & Leg Mobility Focused Flows

These flows do more than just prepare you for visvamitrasana: they are designed to help you unlock the mobility of your hips and legs, strengthen your shoulders, and lengthen your side body. What sounds more like a "mmmmmmm" than that? It's about FEELING GOOD, and letting your real self show.

Hip & Leg Mobility Focused Flows
Shoulders and Core

Besides giving you an opportunity to play with crow pose and some of its variations, these flows will teach you confidence on your hands, build strength and mobility through your shoulders, and help you feel stable and balanced as you move on your mat!

Shoulders and Core
Arms and Glutes

Besides forearm stand, these flows will build strength in your shoulders, core, (and your legs don't get neglected either), and help you build the confidence to move towards a pincha mayarasana with a few neurology based drills too!

Arms and Glutes